Apple Media Toolkit 1994 Winter-Spring
AMTK v8.iso
Getting Started
Aldus PageMaker 4.2
Aldus Prep
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FM Towns/JPY
Macintosh JP
Text File
34.2 KB
1,655 lines
% 209 55 AldusVersion/AldRevision: This record must be first!!
% Copyright (C) 1987 Aldus Corporation. All rights reserved.
/AldusDict2 325 dict def
/AldusVersion 209 def
/AldusRev 55 def
/bdef { bind def } bind def
systemdict /currentpacking known
{/AD_OldPacking currentpacking def
true setpacking
} if
/AD_PrevMatrix matrix def
/AD_SomethingOnPage false def
/AD_OutlineWidth 30 def
/AD_ShadOffset 0.06 def
/AD_OLShadOffset 0.06 def
/AD_OLSmearFact 0.03 def
/AD_BoldSmearFact 0.03 def
/AD_ObliqueAngle -0.21 def
/AD_TrueSetscreen /setscreen load def
/AD_NestedMirror false def
/AD_TextCutout false def
{ /AD_Invert exch def
dup AD_NestedMirror xor /AD_NestedMirror exch def
/AD_MirrorFlag exch def
/AD_WideFlag exch def
/paperwid exch def
/paperht exch def
/AD_Resolution 1440 def
/AD_PointsToUCS AD_Resolution 72 div def
AD_PrevMatrix currentmatrix pop
/AD_PrevScreen [currentscreen] def
/AD_PrevTransfer currenttransfer def
/AD_StdScreen true def
AD_StdScreen not
AD_PrevScreen cvx exec setscreen
/AD_PrevTransfer load settransfer
/AD_StdScreen true assign
} def
true _SetCoordSys
version (23.) anchorsearch
pop pop
/truesetgray /setgray load def
{.0 .0 .06 .1 .28 .48 .56 .68 .82 .9 .98 1.0 }
{1.0 1.0 .98 .9 .82 .68 .56 .48 .28 .1 .06 .0 }
counttomark dup 3 add -1 roll exch
2 sub mul dup floor cvi
dup 3 1 roll sub
exch dup
3 add index exch 2 add index dup
4 1 roll
sub mul add
counttomark 1 add 1 roll
} def
{ pop }
/screenAdjust 1 0 dtransform exch atan def
/mirrorScreen AD_NestedMirror {/neg load} {{}} ifelse def
/setscreen {exch screenAdjust add mirrorScreen exch AD_TrueSetscreen} def
} def
/AD_OldSys exch def
{ AD_OldSys
90 rotate
1 AD_PointsToUCS div dup neg scale
1 AD_PointsToUCS div dup neg scale
paperht paperwid neg translate
90 rotate
{ 1 AD_PointsToUCS div dup neg scale
0 paperht neg translate
{ paperwid 0 translate
-1 1 scale
1 1 transform pop 0 0 transform pop sub abs
} bdef
/AD_Resolution exch def
/AD_PointsToUCS AD_Resolution 72 div def
AD_PrevMatrix setmatrix
false _SetCoordSys
} bdef
} bdef
/AD_TextCutout exch def
} bdef
{ /AD_SomethingOnPage false def
} bdef
{ AD_SomethingOnPage
{ save
} if
} def
{ /AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
{ AD_PrevMatrix setmatrix
} bdef
{ /AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
{ /here save def
/TX_RunDrawn false def
} bdef
{ TX_RunDrawn
{ here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def }
{ here restore } ifelse
} bdef
/AD_WorkingMemory exch def
} bdef
AldusDict2 /AD_TopOfFonts known exch
{ { AD_TopOfFonts restore } if }
{ not { save /AD_TopOfFonts exch def } if }
} bdef
AD_SomethingOnPage SUsv restore
} bdef
AldusDict2 /AD_TopOfFonts known
vmstatus exch sub exch pop AD_WorkingMemory lt
{ dup { AD_TopOfFonts restore } if } if
{ save /AD_TopOfFonts exch def } if
save /SUsv exch def /AD_SomethingOnPage exch def
} bdef
/_ftName 66 string def
/recode exch def
_ftName cvs
dup length 7 gt
{ dup 0 7 getinterval (|______) eq
{ dup length 7 exch 7 sub getinterval
recode { FTRECODE } { FTRENAME } ifelse
{ pop }
{ pop } ifelse
} bdef
save /SYMsv exch def
} bdef
SYMsv restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage exch def
} bdef
/AD_save_xform null def
/m_x exch def
/r_angle exch def
/ref_y exch def
/ref_x exch def
/AD_save_xform save def
ref_x ref_y translate
-1 1 scale
} if
r_angle neg rotate
ref_x neg ref_y neg translate
} bind def
AD_SomethingOnPage AD_save_xform restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage exch def
} bind def
/SHADOWFLAG 16#1 def
/BOLDSMEAR 16#4 def
/ReENCODED 16#10 def
/BOLDPSBUMP 16#20 def
count 5 eq not{6 array astore}if
/AD_textcolor exch def
/AD_fontbits exch def
/AD_20EMS exch def
1 index FontDirectory exch known not
{ 1 index ReENCODED AD_fontbits _iand _AutoRecode } if
BOLDPSBUMP AD_fontbits _iand
{ 1 add } if
dup _ActivateFont
ITALICOBLIQUE AD_fontbits _iand
{ _ActivateObliqueFont
} if
/AD_width_factor_internal AD_width_factor def
AD_width_factor 1 ne
currentfont [AD_width_factor 0 0 1 0 0] makefont setfont
} if
/AD_EmNotMatch AD_20EMS 20 div (M) _ADStringWidth pop sub abs 1 gt def
} bdef
/S_SETUPRUN /SET load def
{ /here save def
/runwidth exch def
/nspaces exch def
/nchars exch def
/textrun exch def
/letterspace exch def
/wordspace exch def
/y1 exch def /x1 exch def
nchars 0 gt
AD_textcolor dup _Gray?
{aload pop
} ifelse
textrun _ADStringWidth pop
nchars dup 1 gt {1 sub} if
letterspace mul add
nspaces wordspace mul add
nchars dup 1 gt {1 sub} if
0 } ifelse
letterspace add def
SHADOWFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
{ save
OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
{ _OLShadowOffset
AD_textcolor _Gray?{_ShadowScreen}if
AD_textcolor _ShadowColor
} ifelse
OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
OUTLINESMEAR AD_fontbits _iand not and
{ _ActivateSolidFont
} if
{1 setgray} if
BOLDSMEAR AD_fontbits _iand
{ _BoldSmearOffset _ShowRun
} if
} if
OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
OUTLINESMEAR AD_fontbits _iand and
{ _OLSmearRun
{ OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
{ save
AD_textcolor _Gray? AD_textcolor _White? or
{ AD_textcolor _White?
setgray }
{ 1 setgray
} if
BOLDSMEAR AD_fontbits _iand
{ _BoldSmearOffset _ShowRun
} if
} ifelse
} if
here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
/S_OUTPUTRUN /OUT load def
gsave closepath clip stringwidth grestore
} bdef
gsave _OLSmearOffset translate _ShowRun grestore
gsave _OLSmearOffset exch neg exch translate _ShowRun grestore
gsave _OLSmearOffset neg translate _ShowRun grestore
gsave _OLSmearOffset neg exch neg exch translate _ShowRun grestore
AD_textcolor _Gray? AD_textcolor _White? or
{ AD_textcolor _White?
{ _TextFillColor}
setgray }
{ 1 setgray
_ShowRun grestore
} bdef
{1 AD_textcolor sub} ifelse
} bdef
x1 y1 moveto
wordspace 0 8#040 letterspace 0 textrun awidthshow
} bdef
/AD_width_factor_internal 1 def
AD_width_factor_internal 1 ne
currentfont [AD_width_factor_internal 0 0 1 0 0] makefont setfont
} if
} bdef
/AD_save_textwidth null def
/AD_width_factor_internal exch def
/AD_save_textwidth save def
} bdef
AD_SomethingOnPage AD_save_textwidth restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage exch def
/AD_width_factor_internal 1 def
} bdef
/AD_width_factor 1 def
/AD_width_factor exch def
} bdef
/AD_width_factor 1 def
} bdef
{ /here save def
count 7 eq not{6 array astore}if
/color exch def
/pointsize exch def
/width exch def
/deltay exch def
/baseline exch def
/rightx exch def
/leftx exch def
currentfont /FontInfo known
currentfont /FontInfo get
/UnderlinePosition known
{ /deltay
currentfont /FontInfo get
/UnderlinePosition get
currentfont /FontMatrix get 3 get mul
pointsize AD_fontscale AD_PointsToUCS
div div mul def
} if
currentfont /FontInfo get
/UnderlineThickness known
{ /width
currentfont /FontInfo get
/UnderlineThickness get
currentfont /FontMatrix get 3 get abs mul
pointsize AD_fontscale AD_PointsToUCS
div div mul def
} if
} if
0 baseline deltay add transform
round exch round exch itransform exch pop def
color dup _Gray?
{setgray}{aload pop
width setlinewidth
SHADOWFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
{ save
OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
{ _OLShadowOffset
color _Gray?{_ShadowScreen}if
color _ShadowColor
} ifelse
leftx underliney rightx underliney _ShowUnderline
} if
leftx underliney rightx underliney _ShowUnderline
OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand
OUTLINESMEAR AD_fontbits _iand not and
color _Gray?{1 color sub setgray}
{0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
AD_OutlineWidth 1000 div AD_fontscale mul def
width 3 AD_OutlineWidth mul ge
{ width 2 AD_OutlineWidth mul sub }
{ width 3 div } ifelse
leftx AD_OutlineWidth add underliney
rightx AD_OutlineWidth sub underliney _ShowUnderline
} if
here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
newpath moveto lineto stroke
} bdef
{ /here save def
count 4 eq not{6 array astore}if
/color exch def
/y exch def
/rightx exch def
/leftx exch def
/y 0 y transform
round exch round exch itransform exch pop def
color _Gray?
{color setgray}{color aload pop
_StrikeThruWidth setlinewidth
leftx y moveto
rightx y lineto stroke
here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
{ /here save def
/text exch def
/y exch def
/x exch def
Black setgray
(Helvetica-Bold) FTRECODE
/|______Helvetica-Bold 9 dup _ActivateFont
x y moveto
text show
here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
{ /here save def
/draftflag exch def
/shadowflag exch def
/y2 exch def /x2 exch def
/y1 exch def /x1 exch def
AD_PointsToUCS 2 div setlinewidth
x1 y1 moveto
x1 y2 lineto
x2 y2 lineto
x2 y1 lineto closepath
{ gsave STD_SCREEN 0.5 setgray fill grestore}
{ gsave
1.0 setgray fill
0.0 setgray stroke } ifelse
{ x1 y1 moveto
x2 y2 lineto stroke
x2 y1 moveto
x1 y2 lineto stroke } if
here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
{ /here save def
/lw exch def
/y2 exch def /x2 exch def
/y1 exch def /x1 exch def
x1 y1 transform
round exch round exch itransform /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
x2 y2 transform
round exch round exch itransform /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
0 lw transform
round exch round exch itransform /lw exch def pop
lw setlinewidth
0 setseparationgray
x1 y1 moveto
x2 y2 lineto stroke
here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} def
{ /here save def
/lw exch def
/r exch def
/y exch def /x exch def
x y transform
round exch round exch itransform /y exch def /x exch def
0 r transform
round exch round exch itransform /r exch def pop
0 lw transform
round exch round exch itransform /lw exch def pop
lw setlinewidth
Black setgray
x y r 0 360 arc stroke
here restore
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
} bdef
/AD_fontscale exch AD_PointsToUCS mul def
/AD_fontscaleX exch AD_PointsToUCS mul def
/AD_fontname exch def
AD_fontname findfont
[ AD_fontscaleX 0 0 AD_fontscale neg 0 0 ] makefont
} bdef
AD_fontname findfont
[ AD_fontscaleX 0 0 AD_fontscale neg 0 0 ]
[ 1 0
1 0 0 ] matrix concatmatrix makefont setfont
} bdef
AD_fontscaleX AD_PointsToUCS div
AD_fontscale AD_PointsToUCS div _ActivateFont
} bdef
AD_ShadOffset AD_fontscaleX mul AD_ShadOffset AD_fontscale mul translate
} bdef
AD_OLShadOffset AD_fontscaleX mul AD_OLShadOffset AD_fontscale mul translate
} bdef
100 AD_PrevScreen 1 get AD_PrevScreen 2 get setscreen
} bdef
dup _Gray? exch dup _White? 3 -1 roll or
{ dup _White?
{pop 1
0.6 mul 0.8 exch sub setgray}
} bdef
/AldusTint .2 def
aload pop {PREGISCOLOR}{PCOLOR}ifelse
/AldusTint 1 def
} bdef
dup type 0 type eq exch type 0.0 type eq or
} bdef
dup type [] type eq
{aload pop pop pop add add add 0 eq
}{pop false
} bdef
{1 currentgray sub setcustomcolor}
{AldusTint setcustomcolor}ifelse
} def
1 index where
{pop pop pop}{dup xcheck
} bdef
AldusDict2 begin /AD_Overprint exch def end
AldusDict2 /AD_Overprint get
4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor
5 /packedarray where
{pop packedarray}{array astore readonly
exch aload pop pop 4
{4 index mul 4 1 roll
} repeat
setcmykcolor pop
1 exch sub _Ccmyk _Ccmyk _Ccmyk pop setrgbcolor
pop image
dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 _Max exch
2 copy lt
} bdef
AD_OLSmearFact AD_fontscaleX mul AD_OLSmearFact AD_fontscale mul
} bdef
AD_BoldSmearFact AD_fontscaleX mul AD_BoldSmearFact AD_fontscale mul translate
} bdef
AD_fontscale 16 div
} bdef
{ and 0 ne
} bdef
dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local
FontDirectory NewName known
{cvn findfont dup
maxlength dict false copyDict
dup /FontName known
{dup /FontName NewName put} if
NewName exch definefont pop
} ifelse
} bdef
dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local
FontDirectory NewName known
{cvn findfont dup
maxlength dict false copyDict
dup /FontName known
{dup /FontName NewName put} if
dup /Encoding MacEncoding put
NewName exch definefont pop
} ifelse
} bdef
/AD_encode_vector_size 256 def
/AD_encode_vector null def
/AD_doing_recoding false def
dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local
FontDirectory NewName known
/AD_doing_recoding false def
/AD_encode_vector null def
{cvn findfont dup
maxlength dict false copyDict
dup /FontName known
{dup /FontName NewName put} if
/AD_encode_vector AD_encode_vector_size array def
dup begin Encoding AD_encode_vector copy pop end
dup /Encoding AD_encode_vector put
NewName exch definefont pop
/AD_doing_recoding true def
} ifelse
} bdef
} ifelse
} bdef
} if
/AD_doing_recoding false def
/AD_encode_vector null def
} bdef
} bdef
/AD_fontbits exch def
cvn /OlineName local
dup /AD_solidfont exch def
AD_solidfont FontDirectory exch known not
{ AD_solidfont ReENCODED AD_fontbits _iand _AutoRecode } if
FontDirectory OlineName known
{cvn findfont dup
maxlength 2 add dict true copyDict
dup /FontName known
{dup /FontName OlineName put} if
dup /PaintType 2 put
dup /StrokeWidth AD_OutlineWidth put
OlineName exch definefont pop
} ifelse
} bdef
/AD_nameString1 66 string def
/ftMakeName {
1 index length /PrefixLen local
dup length PrefixLen add AD_nameString1 exch 0 exch getinterval
dup PrefixLen 4 -1 roll putinterval
dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval
} bdef
/copyDict {
/NoUnique local
{ 1 index /FID ne
{2 index /UniqueID ne and} if
{ def } { pop pop } ifelse
} forall
} bdef
/MacEncoding 256 array def
MacEncoding 0
/Times-Roman findfont /Encoding get
0 128 getinterval
MacEncoding 16#27 /quotesingle put
MacEncoding 16#60 /grave put
/Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute
/agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave
/ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute
/ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis
/dagger /degree /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls
/registersans /copyrightsans /trademarksans /acute /dieresis /notequal /AE /Oslash
/infinity /plusminus /lessequal /greaterequal /yen /mu /partialdiff /summation
/product /pi /integral /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /Omega /ae /oslash
/questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /radical /florin /approxequal /Delta /guillemotleft
/guillemotright /ellipsis /space /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe
/endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /divide /lozenge
/ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl
/daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand
/Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute
/Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex
/apple /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde
/macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
MacEncoding 128 128 getinterval astore pop
/getAnInt{2 getinterval dup 0 get 16#100 mul exch 1 get add cvi}def
/CharBitStr 30 string def
/BuildCharDict 16 dict def
/FName local
/BMFSize local
1 add /LastChar local
/FirstChar local
/DefChar LastChar FirstChar sub 2 mul def
20 dict dup
10 1 roll
/LocTableLen local
/OWTableLen local
/BMRowLen local
/PixelHeight local
/FontWidth local
/MaxWidth local
/MaxKern local
/Descent local
/Ascent local
/Bits BMRowLen PixelHeight mul string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def
/LocTable LocTableLen string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def
/OWTable OWTableLen string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def
/FontType 3 def
/FontMatrix matrix def
/FontBBox[MaxKern Descent neg MaxWidth MaxKern add Ascent]def
/Encoding 256 array def
Encoding 0 MacEncoding 0 256 getinterval putinterval
/Mummble 257 array def
0 1 256{Mummble exch DefChar put}for
FirstChar 1 LastChar{Mummble exch dup FirstChar sub 2 mul put}for
/1Char local
/FDict local
FDict /Mummble get 1Char get /2Char local
FDict /OWTable get 2Char getAnInt 16#FFFF eq
{/2Char DefChar assign}if
FDict /LocTable get 2Char getAnInt
/BitLoc local
FDict /LocTable get 2Char 2 add getAnInt
BitLoc sub
/BitWidth local
BitLoc 8 mod /ShiftVal local
16#FF 8 ShiftVal sub
dup neg /RemShift local
bitshift 16#FF and /BMask local
16#FF 8 BitLoc BitWidth add 8 mod
sub dup 8 ge{pop 0}if
BitWidth 0 eq{pop 8}if
bitshift /AMask local
BitWidth ShiftVal add 7 add 8 idiv
dup 0 eq{pop 1}if
/ByteWidth local
BitLoc 8 idiv
/WhichRow local
FDict /OWTable get 2Char get cvi /Offset local
FDict /OWTable get 2Char 1 add get cvi /Charwidth local
Charwidth 0 BMFSize divPoint
FDict /MaxKern get FDict /Descent get neg BMFSize divPoint
BitWidth Offset add FDict /MaxKern get add FDict /Ascent get BMFSize divPoint
ByteWidth 8 mul
FDict /PixelHeight get
[FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 1 add
FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 1 add neg
Offset neg 0.5 add
FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 0.5 add]
FDict /Bits get WhichRow
ByteWidth getinterval
CharBitStr copy /ThisRow local
ByteWidth 1 sub 1 neg 0
{ /iV local
ThisRow iV get
1 index 16#100 eq{AMask and}if
dup BMask and RemShift bitshift
3 1 roll ShiftVal bitshift
add 16#FF and
cvi ThisRow iV 3 -1 roll put
pop ThisRow
/WhichRow WhichRow FDict /BMRowLen get add assign
} imagemask
FontDirectory FName cvn known
{FName cvn exch definefont pop} ifelse
/AldusTint 1 def
/AD_Overprint false def
/AD_NonSepPat false def
/const /def load def
/var /def load def
/local[/exch load /def load]cvx def
/assign /def load def
/incr{dup cvx exec 1 add assign}bdef
/postIncr{dup cvx exec exch incr}bdef
/SpaceChar 16#20 const
/cvPA{2 array astore cvx}bdef
/point{cvPA def}bdef
/locPoint{3 1 roll point}bdef
/pointXpoint{3 -1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch}bdef
/pointDpoint{3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div exch}bdef
/setPoint{load astore pop}bdef
/dupPoint{2 copy}bdef
/addPoint{exch 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add}bdef
/subPoint{exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch}bdef
/mulPoint{dup pointXpoint}bdef
/divPoint{dup pointDpoint}bdef
/exchPoint{4 2 roll}bdef
/overPoint{3 index 3 index}bdef
/anyStatD systemdict /statusdict known const
/thisProduct anyStatD
{statusdict /product known{statusdict /product get}{()}ifelse}
{()}ifelse const
/PerCentChg 1.0 -1.0 point
/boxPath{/y2 local /x2 local /y1 local /x1 local
x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto
/rBoxPath{/r local /y2 local /x2 local
/y1 local /x1 local
x1 r add y1 moveto x2 y1 x2 y2 r arcto dump
x2 y2 x1 y2 r arcto dump x1 y2 x1 y1 r arcto dump
x1 y1 x2 y1 r arcto dump closepath}bdef
/SaveMatrix matrix var
/ButtCap 0 const
/SquareCap 2 const
/MiterJoin 0 const
/BevelJoin 2 const
/Black 0 const
/White 1 const
/Wide 0 const
/Narrow 1 const
/PictPostScript false var
/isHairline false var
dup not {save /PSave exch def} if
/isLBO exch def
/PBotRight locPoint
/PTopLeft locPoint
isLBO not {newpath PTopLeft PBotRight boxPath clip} if newpath
isLBO {ButtCap}{SquareCap} ifelse setlinecap
MiterJoin setlinejoin
3 setmiterlimit
AD_PointsToUCS setlinewidth
AD_DeviceScale mul round AD_DeviceScale div
dup 0 eq { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
} def
AD_PointsToUCS 4 div
AD_DeviceScale mul deviceRound dup 1.5 lt
{ pop 0 } if
Black setgray
/LineScale 1 var
/LineWidth AD_PointsToUCS var
/LineHeight AD_PointsToUCS var
/DoingWedge false var
/DoingArc false var
AldusDict2 /PatternShade known not
/psb {} bdef
/pse {} bdef
/PatternShade Black var
/DeclaredPattern <00> var
/PCurPat <01> var
} if
isLBO not {PSave restore} if
/AD_SomethingOnPage true def
/SetPattern {
dup /PatternShade exch def setgray
} bdef
/ybit local /xbit local
PCurPat ybit PatWidth mul
xbit 8 idiv add get
1 7 xbit 8 mod AD_NestedMirror {exch pop}{sub} ifelse bitshift
and 0 ne}bdef
100 div dup /PatternShade exch def
/AD_NonSepPat true def
setgray <01> /PCurPat local
} def
/BK { /AD_NonSepPat true def Black setgray } bdef
/WT { /AD_NonSepPat true def White setgray } bdef
/PBLACK /BK load def
/PWHITE /WT load def
pop AD_NonSepPat
{ pop currentgray}{AldusTint mul 1 exch sub}ifelse
setseparationgray pop pop pop
} bdef
dup PCurPat eq {pop}{ PPATTERN } ifelse
/AD_NonSepPat true def
setgray /VerifyUsedPattern false def
} bdef
{DeclaredPattern PCurPat ne {DeclaredPattern PPATTERN} if
} if
PatternShade setgray
/VerifyUsedPattern false def
} bdef
/DeclaredPattern exch def
/VerifyUsedPattern true def
/AD_NonSepPat true def
} bdef
/PatWidth 1 const
/PatSide 8 const
/PFreq 300 32 div const
/PPATTERN{/PCurPat local
/AD_NonSepPat true def
/VerifyUsedPattern false def
0 /Onbits local 0 /Offbits local
AD_Invert {{1 exch sub} settransfer} {{} settransfer} ifelse
PFreq PerCentChg pop dup 0.96 eq
1 1 addPoint 2 divPoint PatSide mulPoint
cvi exch cvi exch bitison AD_Invert xor
{/Onbits incr 1}
{/Offbits incr 0}ifelse
Offbits dup Onbits add div AD_Invert {1 exch sub} if SetPattern
/AD_StdScreen false assign}def
/vertLines{pop dup mul -2 mul 1 add}bdef
AD_Invert {{1 exch sub} settransfer} {{} settransfer} ifelse
setscreen setgray
<11> /PCurPat local
/AD_NonSepPat true def
/AD_StdScreen false assign
Wide eq
{ 0.774 20 45 {vertLines} sPat }
{ 0.643 30 45 {vertLines} sPat }
} bdef
HairWidth setlinewidth /isHairline true def
} bdef
/LW {
LineScale mul deviceRound /LineHeight exch def
LineScale mul deviceRound dup /LineWidth exch def
/isHairline false def
/PLNWIDTH /LW load def
/PLNSCALE{div /LineScale exch def} bdef
0.5 add round 0.5 sub
} bdef
round exch round exch
} bdef
/adjCoord {
1 AD_DeviceScale div gt { deviceRound 2 div } { pop .5 AD_DeviceScale div } ifelse
} bdef
/pULAdj{ roundPoint currentlinewidth adjCoord LineHeight adjCoord addPoint }bdef
/pLRAdj{ roundPoint currentlinewidth adjCoord LineHeight adjCoord subPoint }bdef
/qd_save save def
/y2 exch def
/x2 exch def
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
x1 x2 gt
x1 y1 x2 y2
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y2 exch def
/x2 exch def
} if
y1 y2 gt
x1 y1 moveto
x2 y2 lineto
x2 LineWidth add
y2 lineto
y2 LineHeight add lineto
x1 LineWidth add
y1 LineHeight add lineto
x1 y1 LineHeight add lineto
x1 y1 lineto
x1 y1 moveto
x1 LineWidth add y1 lineto
x2 LineWidth add
dup y2 lineto
y2 LineHeight add lineto
x2 y2 LineHeight add lineto
x1 y1 LineHeight add lineto
x1 y1 lineto
} ifelse
closepath eofill
qd_save restore
} bdef
moveto lineto
/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
currentlinecap ButtCap setlinecap
x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq and
LineWidth 1 le LineHeight 1 le and
{ x1 y1 moveto }
{ x1 y1
x1 LineWidth add y1 LineHeight add
boxPath fill}
{ y1 y2 eq
LineWidth x1 x2 lt
{ x2 add /x2 exch def }
{ x1 add /x1 exch def }
LineHeight setlinewidth
x1 y1 LineHeight 2 div add roundPoint moveto
x2 y2 LineHeight 2 div add roundPoint lineto
{ x1 x2 eq
LineHeight y1 y2 lt
{ y2 add /y2 exch def }
{ y1 add /y1 exch def }
x1 LineWidth 2 div add y1 roundPoint moveto
x2 LineWidth 2 div add y2 roundPoint lineto
x1 y1 pULAdj moveto x2 y2 pULAdj lineto mayStroke
save /here exch def
/y2 exch def /x2 exch def
/y1 exch def /x1 exch def
x1 x2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs lt
{ x1 x2 add 2 div dup y1 roundPoint moveto y2 roundPoint lineto stroke}
{ y1 y2 add 2 div dup x1 exch roundPoint moveto x2 exch roundPoint lineto stroke}
here restore
} bdef
count 4 gt
addPoint 2 divPoint roundPoint moveto
addPoint 2 divPoint roundPoint lineto pop pop
{ HairRect }
} bdef
roundPoint /yb exch def /xr exch def
roundPoint /yt exch def /xl exch def
deviceRound /delta exch def
{ {yt delta sub /yt exch def} {yb delta add /yb exch def} ifelse }
{ {xl delta sub /xl exch def} {xr delta add /xr exch def} ifelse }
1 AD_DeviceScale div 2 div dup dupPoint
xl yt addPoint exchPoint
xr yb exchPoint subPoint boxPath fill
} bdef
} bdef
} bdef
/PRECT{newpath pLRAdj exchPoint pULAdj exchPoint boxPath}bdef
/PRRECT { pLRAdj /Botts locPoint pULAdj /Tops locPoint
currentlinewidth dup subPoint /Diams locPoint
newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop
Botts Tops subPoint /Sides locPoint
Sides pop abs Diams pop ge{Diams}{Sides}ifelse pop
Sides exch pop abs Diams exch pop ge{Diams}{Sides}ifelse exch pop
/Diams locPoint
Diams 2 div /YRad local
0 gt
{Diams exch pop
0 eq
{Diams div}
{1}ifelse 1 /PRRscale locPoint
Tops translate PRRscale scale 0 0 Sides PRRscale pointDpoint
Diams 0 gt exch 0 gt and{YRad rBoxPath}{boxPath}ifelse
SaveMatrix setmatrix}bdef
/POVAL{newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop
0 359 false pArc closepath
SaveMatrix setmatrix}bdef
/PARC{ newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop
/DoingArc true assign
false pArc
SaveMatrix setmatrix }bdef
/PWEDGE{newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop
/DoingWedge true assign
true pArc closepath
SaveMatrix setmatrix }bdef
dup 360 gt{360 sub}if
dup 0 lt{360 add}if}bdef
/pArc{/Fill local
/ArcAng local /BegAng local
pLRAdj /PLR locPoint
pULAdj /PUL locPoint
360 BegAng ArcAng add sub 90 add modAdj /StartAng local
StartAng ArcAng add /EndAng local
PLR PUL subPoint 2 divPoint /Rad locPoint
PUL Rad addPoint translate
Rad neg scale
Fill{0 0 moveto}if
0 0 1 StartAng EndAng
dupPoint eq
{pop pop 0 359 arc closepath}
{ArcAng 0 lt
newpath pULAdj moveto
} bdef
pULAdj lineto
} bdef
/Closed local
} bdef
/PREGION{PRECT cleartomark}bdef
/PTXBEG {/PTSave1 save const} bdef
currentdict /PRotateSave known not
{save /PRotateSave exch def} if
3 1 roll dupPoint neg exch neg exch 5 2 roll
translate rotate translate
} bdef
currentdict /PRotateSave known not
{save /PRotateSave exch def} if
dupPoint neg exch neg exch 4 2 roll
translate -1 1 scale translate
} bdef
currentdict /PRotateSave known not
{save /PRotateSave exch def} if
dupPoint neg exch neg exch 4 2 roll
translate 1 -1 scale translate
} bdef
PRotateSave restore
} bdef
AD_PointsToUCS mul div /Xscale exch def
AD_PointsToUCS mul div /Yscale exch def
currentfont [ Xscale 0 0 Yscale 0 0 ] makefont setfont
/AD_fontscaleX AD_fontscaleX Xscale mul def
/AD_fontscale AD_fontscale Yscale mul def
} bdef
userdict /md known not
{ userdict begin /md 0 def end } if
PBLACK /PictPostScript true def
} bdef
/PictPostScript false def
} bdef
currentlinewidth 0 gt isHairline or
/s_matrix null def
/stroke_xform false def
DoingWedge {MiterJoin setlinejoin} if
currentlinewidth 1 AD_DeviceScale div sub setlinewidth
LineWidth LineHeight ne
/s_matrix matrix currentmatrix def
1 LineHeight LineWidth div scale
/stroke_xform true def
} if
stroke_xform {s_matrix setmatrix} if
} if
/DoingWedge false assign
} bdef
/AD_NonSepPat false def
} bdef
/PFRAME{mayStroke RESET_PAT_SEP}bdef
mayStroke gsave eofill grestore RESET_PAT_SEP
mayStroke gsave eofill grestore RESET_PAT_SEP
mayStroke gsave eofill grestore RESET_PAT_SEP
100 exch sub 100 div /AldusTint exch def
} bdef
AldusTint 1 eq not
{/AldusTint 1 def
} bdef
0 eq
}ifelse findfont
} bdef
0 eq
}ifelse findfont
} bdef
0 eq
}ifelse findfont
} bdef
0 eq
}ifelse findfont
} bdef
/y2 local /x2 local /y1 local /x1 local
} bdef
/_DefinePattern {
7 dict begin
/FontDict 9 dict def
FontDict begin
/cache exch def
/key exch def
/proc exch cvx def
/mtx exch matrix invertmatrix def
/height exch def
/width exch def
/ctm matrix currentmatrix def
/ptm matrix identmatrix def
/FontBBox [
0 0 FontDict /width get
FontDict /height get
] def
/FontMatrix FontDict /mtx get def
/Encoding StandardEncoding def
/FontType 3 def
/BuildChar {
pop begin
FontDict begin
width 0 cache {
0 0 width height setcachedevice
} ifelse
0 0 moveto width 0 lineto
width height lineto 0 height lineto
closepath clip newpath
gsave proc grestore
end end
} def
FontDict /key get currentdict definefont
} bind def
/_Patternpath {
dup type /dicttype eq {
begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix
exch begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix
} ifelse
currentdict setfont
FontDict begin
FontMatrix concat
width 0 dtransform
round width div exch round width div exch
0 height dtransform
round height div exch
round height div exch
0 0 transform round exch round exch
ptm astore setmatrix
height div ceiling height mul 4 1 roll
width div ceiling width mul 4 1 roll
height div floor height mul 4 1 roll
width div floor width mul 4 1 roll
2 index sub height div ceiling cvi exch
3 index sub width div ceiling cvi exch
4 2 roll moveto
FontMatrix ptm invertmatrix pop
ptm concat
dup str length idiv {
str show
} repeat
dup str length mod str exch
0 exch getinterval show
0 height rmoveto
} repeat
end end
} bind def
/_Patternfill {
clip _Patternpath
} bind def
/_OpaquePatternfill {
0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
} bind def
/AD_PatternLW .009375 AD_Resolution mul def
/narrowdiagunit .046666 AD_Resolution mul def
narrowdiagunit narrowdiagunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
SquareCap setlinecap
0 narrowdiagunit 2 div moveto narrowdiagunit 2 div 0 lineto
narrowdiagunit 2 div narrowdiagunit moveto
narrowdiagunit narrowdiagunit 2 div lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/narrowdiag true _DefinePattern pop
/widediagunit .073333 AD_Resolution mul def
widediagunit widediagunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
{ SquareCap setlinecap
0 widediagunit 2 div moveto widediagunit 2 div 0 lineto
widediagunit 2 div widediagunit moveto
widediagunit widediagunit 2 div lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/widediag true _DefinePattern pop
/narrowhorzunit .053333 AD_Resolution mul def
narrowhorzunit narrowhorzunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
SquareCap setlinecap
0 narrowhorzunit 2 div moveto
narrowhorzunit narrowhorzunit 2 div lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/narrowhorz true _DefinePattern pop
/widehorzunit .106666 AD_Resolution mul def
widehorzunit widehorzunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
SquareCap setlinecap
0 widehorzunit 2 div moveto
widehorzunit widehorzunit 2 div lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/widehorz true _DefinePattern pop
/narrowvertunit .053333 AD_Resolution mul def
narrowvertunit narrowvertunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
SquareCap setlinecap
narrowvertunit 2 div 0 moveto
narrowvertunit 2 div narrowvertunit lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/narrowvert true _DefinePattern pop
/widevertunit .106666 AD_Resolution mul def
widevertunit widevertunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
SquareCap setlinecap
widevertunit 2 div 0 moveto
widevertunit 2 div widevertunit lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/widevert true _DefinePattern pop
/narrowhatchunit .053333 AD_Resolution mul def
narrowhatchunit narrowhatchunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
SquareCap setlinecap
narrowhatchunit 2 div 0 moveto
narrowhatchunit 2 div narrowhatchunit lineto
0 narrowhatchunit 2 div moveto
narrowhatchunit narrowhatchunit 2 div lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/narrowhatch true _DefinePattern pop
/widehatchunit .106666 AD_Resolution mul def
widehatchunit widehatchunit [1 0 0 1 0 0]
SquareCap setlinecap
widehatchunit 2 div 0 moveto
widehatchunit 2 div widehatchunit lineto
0 widehatchunit 2 div moveto
widehatchunit widehatchunit 2 div lineto
AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke
} bind
/widehatch true _DefinePattern pop
version (23.) anchorsearch
{pop pop def}{pop bdef} ifelse
systemdict /currentpacking known
{AD_OldPacking setpacking} if
/AldusDone AldusVersion def